Thursday 20 May 2010

Excitement in the Angus & Archie household!

Well ok, not too much excitement for you maybe but it was to me! First of all there was no mess again when I came home from work, I've got my fingers crossed that this is now the way forward. The boys have just had their dinner and the back door was shut, I can't see them from I'm sitting but could hear them playing... well, there is a puppy training pad down in the conservatory and when I got up to check on them I saw not one but two patches of wee on the pad - result! That means that Archie is following Angus's lead and doing a wee on the pad if he can't get outside. That is such a major step up from where he has been because more often than not straight after their dinner I would find a patch of wee somewhere in the house, generally either in the kitchen or on the living room carpet (don't worry we've got a very good odour and stain remover!).

Archie really is coming on in leaps and bounds considering he's only 10 weeks old (and we've only had him for just over a week).

Angus is as good as gold as ever, he has developed a strange habit though (don't read on if you don't want to read about toilet business!), he has started to go and do his business in private in the middle of a bush... he's always been a very private dog anyway but this seems to me to be taking it to the extreme! I don't mind really, it means less mess on the lawn but still... just seems a bit odd to me! Archie has no problem with doing it any time, any where! Bless him.

Not many plans for this evening, desperately need to get some housework done but I don't really want to put the boys in their crates while I'm around so I might leave it to another day... there's always tomorrow right?